Check out my most popular posts
Complete Guide to Nutritious Clay Pot Cooking – Using Miriam’s Earthen Cookware (MEC)
Why it cooks so well, how to best take advantage of it, how to…
Easy Homemade Yogurt – with Lots of Tips
The benefits of homemade heirloom yogurt and step-by-step instructions.
Homemade Bone Broth in a Clay Pot: It’s More Gelatinous
I’ll share three ways I like to make my broth. They range from simple to…
My Experience with Miriam’s Earthen Cookware
Clay pots were not even on my radar, until a visit to my friend Ramah’s…
Small Cells, 5G, and Health Concerns
Video – County Council public hearing on bill to allow small cells as close as…
Sprouting Seeds Using Unglazed Clay – It’s Better
Do you remember chia pets? When I was a kid, chia pets were popular —…
Two Delicious Yogurt Based Drinks: Buttermilk & Lassi
Both have numerous health benefits. They’re simple to make — just mix water and yogurt,…
Yogurt: Miriam’s Unglazed Clay Pot vs. Pyrex
Video — Yogurt making demo, find out what type of cookware I prefer and why….
Purchase a clay pot

If you want, you can use the coupon code sz21mec02 directly on the MEC site and you will get $5 off your order, and I will be credited for the order.
Do you know of a food testing lab?
I’m interested in nutritional data.
Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit;
Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.